Looks like NY and NJ really took the brunt of this storm. Major storm surge, flooded subways, houses burning and water pressure too low to pump fire hoses, 8 million (and counting) without power, and worse. If you're feeling philanthropic and charitable consider the
Red Cross. They could always use the help. (funds, blood, volunteer)
Here in my little town just outside DC we've been inconvenienced a bit. I've seen no big trees down and most still have power. Flooding on roadways with more to come, yes... but we're lucky, really.
Soccer field down the street:
Again, comparatively speaking, just an inconvenience.
Thanks for sharing the information. Flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry. Here you have discussed how new york and NJ states look like the burnt of this storm. Along with this article, I would like to share some facts about the hammerhead sharks habitat which are a group of sharks that form the family sphyrnidae.